Due to COVID-19, the Phenix City-Russell County Library is practicing social distancing and open for limited public service. Do not visit the Library and stay at home if you are ill. All patrons will be required to check their temperature at our kiosk located at the main entrance. Anyone with a temperature of 100° or higher or other signs of illness will not be allowed to enter. Decisions like these do not come easy, as it means a temporary loss of access to the services and gathering spaces the Library is known for providing to so many in our community. However, this does not mean a complete shutdown of Library services.
The following services are currently available:
- computer use
- printing, photocopying, faxing
- grab-and-go browsing and borrowing
- holds pickup
- curbside pickup
- checkout
- and returns
Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Curbside pick-up of requested materials is available Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Eastern Time.
The book drop is open for you to return borrowed materials 24/7.
We appreciate the patience and understanding of our patrons during this uncertain time. Please visit the Library’s website at https://phenixcitylibrary.com for the latest updates regarding the library.
View the official Press Release.