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Glenn Wills presents Forgotten Alabama

Glenn Wills takes us on his journey across Alabama as he documents the remnants of Alabama’s past. What started as a chance encounter of noticing an old car along the highway and not having a camera, he created a new mission. Over the course of the last 10 years, he visited all of Alabama’s 67 counties, logged 30,000 miles, and took close-to 15,000 photographs. Be it an old house, an abandoned store, a derelict bridge, or any number of other physical reminders of the past, all of these played a role in our lives at one point. Glenn felt the need to save those memories in a book, Forgotten Alabama. Join us to see a PowerPoint presentation and hear Glenn talk about the places he has visited in Alabama.

Reservations are appreciated and preferred. Please stop by the library or call 334-297-1139 to reserve a seat!

Limited seats available and a light lunch will be served.

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