3 events found.
All Day
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityDial-a-Story Each week on Tuesday, you can call in and listen to a new children’s book read through our Dial-a-Story phone line! Perfect for bedtime stories, short car trips (with hands-free technology, of course),
FOL Bookstore
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityFriends of the Library Bookstore Join us every Tuesday in the Friends of the Library Bookstore! It’s open from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m., Eastern Time, and is located directly behind the circulation
Computer Classes
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityTuesdays | 3 p.m., ET This FREE class meets on Tuesdays, and covers several topics that vary each month. A pamphlet is provided at the library for additional information on computer training. Register for