4 events found.
All Day
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityIt’s Double DVD Day at the Phenix City-Russell County Library! Come in every Thursday and check out two-for-one DVDs!
CANCELED: Book Writing 101
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityBook Writing 101 Ever wanted to try your hand at writing a novel or even your own memoir? Mr. Curtis Johnson, who is the author of 15 books, will give a Book Writing Seminar
CANCELED: Tinker Time
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityThursdays | 3 p.m. ET | School-aged children Every Thursday, the MakerSpace will be open at 3 p.m. Eastern Time for you to use your imagination to LEARN, MAKE, and CREATE!
CANCELED: Book Fanatics: The House at the Edge of Night by Catherine Banner
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix CityBook Fanatics will meet on Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., EDT. We will be discussing this month’s read: The House at the Edge of Night by Catherine Banner. Call the library for