Lunch and Learn: Wild About Wildflowers
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Wild About Wildflowers", with guest speaker Dani Carroll. Bring your own lunch. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact the Phenix City/Russel
Lunch and Learn: Spooky Spiders of the Southeast
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Spooky Spiders of the Southeast", with guest speaker Geni Payne. Bring your own lunch. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact the
Lunch and Learn: Horrible House of Germs-Holiday Handwashing
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Horrible House of Germs-Holiday Handwashing", with guest speaker Janet Johnson. Bring your own lunch. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact the
Lunch and Learn: Wreath Making with Natural Materials
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Wreath Making with Natural Materials", with guest speaker Jennifer Davidson. Bring your own lunch. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact the
Lunch and Learn: Budgeting Your Money in the New Year
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Budgeting Your Money in the New Year", with guest speaker Angie Taylor. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please
Lunch and Learn: Starting a Veggie Garden
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Starting a Veggie Garden", with guest speaker Keith Simms, Mercy Med. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact
Lunch and Learn: Spring into Health: Mind and Body Wellness
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Spring into Health: Mind and Body Wellness", with guest speaker Regina Meadows, Regional Extension Agent. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge. To preregister or for
Lunch and Learn: Keep Your Grass Green: Turfgrass for Homeowners
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Keep Your Grass Green: Turfgrass for Homeowners", with guest speaker Jennifer Davidson, County Extension Coordinator. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge. To preregister or for
Lunch and Learn: Protect Our Pollinators, Please!
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesToday's Lunch and Learn Series event presents "Protect Our Pollinators, Please!", with guest speaker Bob Silverman, Master Gardener. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge. To preregister or for more information, please contact
My Plate for My Family
Phenix City - Russell County Library 1501 17th Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesEvery Tuesday from 6/4--6/25, come learn about Nutrition, Meal Planning, Cooking Demons, and More! We look forward to your visit! Call the Russell County Extension Office to register (334) 298-6845.